Milk Pudding Pie

Morinaga Platinum   ♦   11 November 2019

Milk Pudding Pie
  • 3-12 Years

Nutrition Information

  • Energy 0
  • Protein 0
  • Fiber 0
  • Fat 0
  • Carbohydrate 0

The ingredients that used to make pie are easy to find, but still it needs special tricks when processing it so that it’s done perfectly. Because, it’s often the crust of the pie is too hard or too soft. As a result, Little One doesn't like to eat it because the texture isn't right.

This time Morinaga wants to give a special trick so Moms could serve the perfect pie for the Little One. The crispy crust is combined with sweet and soft milk pudding on the inside. Want to know what's the secret? Find the explanation below.


Milk pudding:

For 10 pieces

How to make:

  1. Mix and stir flour, cinnamon powder, grated ginger, Morinaga Chil School Platinum MoriCare Zigma Vanilla flavor, sugar, and salt, stir it well. Sifter it. Set aside.

  2. Put margarine and egg yolk into the flour mixture. Cut or stir the mixture using a knife or plastic spatula to form a fine-grain dough.

  3. Put the dough together in a fist with your hand or wooden spoon until dough merges.

  4. Roll the mixture over the plastic to a thickness of ½ cm. Mold with round mold. Do it until the dough runs out.

  5. Take a mold of pie that has been smeared with margarine. Add pie crust. Squeeze and trim the shape and prick it with a fork at the bottom.

  6. Arrange on a baking pan, bake at 160 ° C for 25 minutes or until the skin is cooked and brownish yellow. Lift. Cool it down.

  7. Milk Pudding: Mix water with milk powder Morinaga Chil School Platinum MoriCare Zigma Vanilla flavor, jelly powder, lychee syrup, and sugar. Boil it, stirring repeatedly until boiling. Lift.

  8. Last step: Fill the crust of pie with nata de coco, pour it with milk pudding until it's full. Chill it in the fridge until the pudding has hardened.

  9. Arrange the pie on a serving plate. Serve it.

Tip: Don't stir the pie crust by hand for too long because the fat will melt and cause the pie crust not crispy.


Turns out the tips are easy to follow, right Moms? From now on, Moms doesn't have to worry anymore about failing to make pie at home. The pudding can also be adjusted to your Little One’s favorite flavor. Even so, snacks are certainly not enough to meet the nutrition needs of your Little One. Little One still needs other nutrients from growth milk with the best formula from Morinaga.

Morinaga Platinum MoriCare Zigma has been specially formulated to support the growth and development of Little One since its golden period. Enriched with the synergy of the best nutrients such as Alpha Lactalbumin which enhances thinking ability, AA & DHA to accelerate the comprehension, Choline to strengthen memory, and Iron to increase the concentration of the Little One when learning. As well as a variety of other vitamins and minerals that are needed by Little One so that he/she can grow into a Multitalent Platinum Generation.

Want to know other special tricks for serving the perfect snack? See other recipes here , Moms.



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