Honey Carrot Cake

Morinaga Platinum   ♦   26 September 2019

Honey Carrot Cake
  • 1-3 Years

Nutrition Information

  • Energy 0
  • Protein 0
  • Fiber 0
  • Fat 0
  • Carbohydrate 0

Because of the bitter taste, usually little one doesn’t like some of the vegetables. The fact is vegetables have so many nutrients that are important for little one. One of them is a carrot. Like Mom already knows, carrot is rich with vitamin A that is good for vision and can enhance the immunity of the little one. Then, how if little one doesn’t get used to eating carrots?

Well, one of the tricks is processing carrots into other foods that are more appetizing for little one. Like this Morinaga Platinum Honey Carrot Cake. Who would have thought, it turns out that carrots can also be used as a cake that is sweet, delicious, and still nutritious. Let’s follow the recipe below, Mom!


  • 4 egg yolks
  • 5 egg whites
  • 100 g flour
  • 25 gr cornstarch
  • 100 gr butter, melt it
  • 150 gr granulated sugar
  • 100 g carrot, grate it
  • 20 g Morinaga Chil Kid Platinum MoriCare Zigma Honey flavor powder milk
  • ½ teaspoon fine salt


Another Recipe: Mixed Fruits Juice

How to Make:

  1. Beat the egg, sugar, and salt until it stiffs. Sieve the flour, cornstarch, and Morinaga Chil Kid Platinum MoriCare Zigma Honey flavor powder milk on top of the mixture while stirring it using plastic spatula.
  2. Put the melted butter and grated carrot, stri well. Pour the mixture into the baking sheet that already spreads with margarine.
  3. Bake in an oven at 170 C for 45 minutes or until the cake is cooked and brownish yellow. Lift and let it cool.
  4. Cut the cake. Arrange it on a serving plate. Serve it.

For 10 Pieces

Tip: Don't open the oven before the first 30 minutes because the cake will go down and become tight.

If little one already gets used to and likes the taste of carrot, the Mom can slowly put carrots into little one main course, so he/she still can get the natural nutrients from vegetables. To complement the nutritional intake of little one’s food, Morinaga Platinum MoriCare Zigma comes with a synergy formula that supports the Multitalent Intelligence factor, strengthens Multiple Body Defenses, and is supplemented with vitamins and minerals to keep your little one optimal growth. If Mom is curious about another Morinaga Platinum-style nutritious food menu, Mom can follow a variety of recipes here. Good luck, Mom.

Honey Carrot Cake

Other Recipe