Tricks to Manage Your Little One's Temper Tantrum

Morinaga Platinum ♦ 2 February 2024

Tricks to Manage Your Little One's Temper Tantrum

The Little One who is often at rage and likes to slam stuff is not an easy person to manage. This condition is known as tantrums of the Little One. Tantrums are short periods in which the Little One shows anger, is crying, yelling, throwing things, or showing other behaviors that are not caused by a particular thing.

According to psychologists, tantrums are common among young people age 1-4 years old. With age, the Little One will increasingly want to do many things on their own. However, if you can not do something on your own or feel that there are limitations, tantrums can happen. Other causes of tantrum include fatigue, hunger, worry, or feeling neglected.

If tantrums occur, what should Mommy do? Check out some tips from the Royal College of Psychiatry, England, namely:

Stay calm

Try not to get carried away by Mommy’s own emotions. Mommy is not alone, this condition is commonly faced by most other parents. Believe that Mommy can deal with it well.

Avoid negative responses

When the Little One is having tantrums, keep calm and continue the activity. Every now and then, see and make sure that the Little One is in good condition and do not do things that can endanger him/her. Avoid responding negatively like scolding him/her. This can make the situation a bad experience for him/her.

Consistent with the rules

Is the Little One having a tantrum triggered by the anger of the Little One whose desire is not being granted by Mommy? One of the keys to tackling tantrums is to explain the benefits of such regulation and the importance of good behavior. For example, the Little One is having tantrum because he/she still wants to play a device (gadget) while the rule is 15 minutes. Keep applying the rules, but Mommy can explain the reason well once the Little One is calm.

Observe when the Little One starts calms down

When the tantrums begins to subside, talk to the Little One calmly and with full of warmth. Thus, the Little One will also be more calm and continue his/her activities well. This is also a good time for Mommyr to explain what has happened and how the Little One should react.

The key to tantrum management in the Little One lies in consistent treatment when it occurs. This needs to be done so that the Little One learns that there is a clear reason behind a rule and why he/she should follow it. To support the learning process, Mommy can provide nutrients that contain DHA, choline, and iron. These three nutrients will accelerate the ability to comprehend and increase the concentration of the child while learning.

If tantrums are frequent or still occur even if the Little One is no longer a toddler, Mommy can consult a doctor or a psychologist. Discuss the possible causes and how to handle them.