Guide for Growth and Development for Your Little 1 Year Old One

Morinaga Platinum ♦ 2 January 2017

Guide for Growth and Development for Your Little 1 Year Old One

Hooray! Finally, your Little One is blowing his or her first candle. The age of 1 year is the time when the Little begins to talk, explore the environment, and start trying to be independent in doing many things. Your Little One will not tirelessly try something even though it means he must repeat it many times. Mommy will see the transformation of your Little One from a helpless baby into a curious toddler.

The process of growth and development of your Little One should be supported in order to go optimally. Mommy must make sure that your Little One’s basic needs are met well. Here are the basic needs of your Little One, including:

  • Nutrition. The Little One must get complete and balanced nutrition according to his or her needs. Choose a supplemental support for your Little Ones growth and development which is a product enhanced with essential multivitamin and minerals such as choline, DHA, prebiotics and probiotics, calcium and vitamin D for maximum brain function and nervous system development, improved gastrointestinal health and strong bones and teeth.
  • Stimulation. Provide stimulation to hone skills and intelligence according to the age of your Little One. No need to be confused to find the idea of stimulation, Mommy can directly select many ideas on the site for children’s development which made a categorization according to the age of the Little One.

What exactly is growth and development? Growth is generally associated with measurable physical changes, such as weight and height. While development is a change that includes the ability of the structure and function of the body which is more complex.

Then, what are the benchmarks of growth and development that must be considered when your Little One reaches 1 year old? Check out the answers below:


  • Generally, the average weight of your Little One reaches three times his or her birth weight.
  • Height will increase to 1.5 times the length of the birth.


  • Motor ability is the ability of the Little One to move his or her body parts. At the age of 1 year, the Little One should be able to stand alone, graze food and then put it in the mouth with fingers, flip pages of books even though not perfect.
  • Language ability. Usually at the age of 1 year, the Little One is able to speak and understand single words. He or she should be able to respond to others who are talking to him. He also understands the names of body parts and can point to them eloquently.
  • Cognitive ability. This development is related to how the Little One learns about the environment. Usually, your Little One can already be taught how to solve simple problems, such as finding a toy that is hidden. He or she also can point to the desired object and follow instructions.

While accompanying the Little One in his growth and development process, Mommy must remember that each child has a different pace of accomplishment. No need to worry too much if the Little One cannot do something that should be mastered by his or her age. However, remain vigilant in paying attention to the achievement of your Little One. If Mommy is suspicious or feel something strange with the growth of your Little One, it could not hurt to bring him or her for consultation to the doctor.